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Saturday 16 September 2023

Brushing teeth and little ones.

Brushing teeth can sometimes be a challenge for a parent and a little child too. Teaching little children how to brush their teeth is an important part of helping them develop good oral hygiene habits that will last a lifetime. It’s also a life skill. By starting early, we can often turn this into a positive habit instead of a tug of war with threats from the grown-ups to an upset youngster.

We can begin by wiping our baby's gums with a clean, wet cloth after feedings. As soon as their first tooth erupts, start brushing twice a day with a soft-bristled toothbrush and a pea-sized amount of toothpaste. It is always fun for small children to choose their own toothbrush and toothpaste.

An electric or battery-operated toothbrush is a wonderful beginner’s toothbrush. It is easier to use, because it basically does the brushing for you, especially for little ones who haven’t learned the proper brushing technique, yet. This can be especially helpful for young children who may not have the dexterity or patience to brush their teeth effectively with a manual toothbrush.

Electric toothbrushes are easier, so this is important for little children, who are more prone to cavities than adults. It is usually also way more fun. It often has entertaining features, such as timers, lights, and music, that can motivate young children to brush their teeth for the full two minutes recommended by dentists. I have found through the years that electric toothbrush are great for teething, helping, and massaging those itchy gums. If your small child likes to put toys in their mouths or even with biting, electric toothbrushes might do the trick.   

Something else to consider when getting an electric or battery-operated toothbrush, is to choose a toothbrush with a small, soft brush head that is appropriate for your child's age and mouth size. Choosing one that has a built-in timer will be helpful and might just encourage them to brush the full two minutes. Brushing your teeth together will help to model the correct way. Singing songs or tell stories while brushing together can also add some fun.

Be a good role model. Explain why oral hygiene is important at their age level. And when our little ones see us brushing, flossing our teeth, and choosing healthy food regularly, they will follow suit. And let your child practice, brushing their own teeth. As your child get older, you can demonstrate the proper brushing techniques, brushing the surfaces including the front, back, top and tongue.

You can also have a chat with your dentist when choosing the correct toothbrush. They can provide you with additional tips and advice on how to help your child develop good oral hygiene habits.

Remember to be patient and encouraging through all of this. Your little one might not always be cooperative. And that is fine and normal, especial when they are very young. And it may take some time for them to learn how to brush their teeth properly. Praise their efforts, and as they develop this life skill, keep on encouraging them.  


Friday 15 September 2023

Rocking the and rocks.....

One of the greatest gems to be found by a child.... are rocks. And they will collect them no matter where you go...and you will find them home in secret places and in the classroom. For a child, finding a special rock is like finding a treasure. It is a unique and precious object that they can keep and cherish. It is a reminder of the amazing world around them and the endless possibilities that it holds.

Rocks are a source of endless fascination for children. They come in all shapes, sizes, colours, and textures. They can be smooth and polished, or rough and jagged. They can be heavy or light. They can be found in all sorts of places, from the beach to the mountains to the garden. Rocks are a natural and versatile material that can be used for a variety of learning purposes, and it is a great way to make learning fun and engaging.

Rocks are beautiful. Children are naturally drawn to things that are visually appealing. Rocks come in a wide variety of colors, shapes, and textures, which makes them very interesting to look at. Rocks are mysterious. Children are curious about the world around them, and rocks are full of mysteries. It can inspire them to ask questions like: Where do they come from? How are they formed? What are they made of? Children love to explore these mysteries and learn more about the world of rocks. Rocks are powerful and is a symbol of the power of nature. They can be used to build things and create tools. Rocks are versatile and can be used for many different things. Children can play with them, build with them, paint them, and even use them to tell stories.

Children are naturally curious about the world around them, and rocks are a great way to learn about different shapes, colors, and textures. They can also learn about the different types of rocks and minerals, how they are formed, and where they can be found. Collecting rocks can be a fun way for children to explore their surroundings. They can go on nature walks, hikes, or even just look around their gardens for interesting rocks to add to their collection. Children also love having something that is truly their own. A collection of rocks or other natural objects gives them a sense of ownership and pride. They can use their rocks to create all sorts of things, such as jewelry, sculptures, and even works of art. This can help them develop their creativity and imagination. Children can share their rock collections with friends and family, which can help them develop social skills and make new friends. Rocks can also be a way for children to remember special places or events. For example, they might collect a rock from every place they visit while on holiday. Providing children with a container for their rock treasures can make them feel more connected to their finds. It gives them a place to store their treasures safely and securely, and it also allows them to display their collection proudly.

We use this love for rocks in our classroom to develop our little friends Math's skills through play. For instance, we use the rocks for building towers, houses and other structures. Our little friends can experiment with different shapes and sizes to see what works best for their creations. In this way, they also are exposed in a playful manner to the different properties of rocks. We use it for sorting size, shape, colour or texture. They then create their own categories for rocks, such as "shiny rocks" or "smooth rocks." We like using the rocks to develop their patterning skills and encourage them to explore different ways for their rocks to be arranged. Rocks, we have found, are a great addition to any sensory bin or playdough activities. We like to write numbers or letters on the rocks for some extra incidental and playful learning. Rocks can be used for creative play activities such as painting, drawing, and collage. Our little friends use their imaginations to create all sorts of different things with rocks.

Rocks can be used to play a variety of other math games, especially for our older friends such as addition and subtraction. For example, we play a game where they have to match rocks to different numbers or where they have to add or subtract rocks to find a total. Rocks can be used to measure different quantities, such as length and weight. For example, our little friends use rocks to measure the length of a toy or test the weight of a toy in our balancing scale. A variety of science experiments can also be done with rocks. We do experiments on erosion, weathering, and density. For example, we have set up an experiment to see how different types of rocks erode at different rates, or how to purify water using rocks. Our little friends also like to tell stories using rocks.

Picking up small rocks and sorting them requires fine motor skills, which are important for tasks such as writing and cutting. It takes patience and focus to find the perfect rock, and to sort and organize a collection. Children need to use problem-solving skills to figure out how to find the specific rocks they want, and how to display their collection. Collecting rocks can encourage children to explore their surroundings and learn about the natural world. And when children find a special rock or complete their collection, it can boost their self-esteem and sense of accomplishment.

Collecting rocks can be a fun and rewarding hobby for children of all ages. It can help them learn about the world around them, develop their creativity, and make memories that will last a lifetime. If your child is interested in collecting rocks, you can take them for nature walks, help them set up a display shelf for their collection and encourage them to learn more about rocks and minerals.

I hope these ideas give you some inspiration for using rocks in your classroom and be more acceptable of them at home. It is wonderful that children are so drawn to rocks. Rocks are a valuable part of our world, and they can teach children so much about nature, science, and creativity.

Have fun rocking the rocks at home and in the classroom!



Saturday 2 September 2023

Why we are using process art in the preschool:


We love using process art in our classroom.

Process art is a type of art that focuses on the process of creating, rather than the final product. I highly recommend that it should be used in preschools because it allows our children to explore their creativity and express themselves freely. And it is a fun way to learn how to think outside the box.

Here are some of the different types of process art that we are using in our preschool classroom:

  • Painting: Our children can use their hands, brushes, feathers, sticks, crumbled paper, strings, sponges, etc. to paint with different colours and textures.
  • Drawing: Our children use their fingers, crayons, markers, charcoal, highlighters, different types of pens and pencils, etc. to draw whatever they like.
  • Collage: Our children can cut and paste different materials, such as tissue paper, wool, buttons, felt, string, ribbon, etc. to create a collage.
  • Modeling: Our children can use clay, playdough, or other materials to create three-dimensional objects.
  • Printmaking: Our children can use blocks, stamps, or other objects to create different types of prints.
  • Nature art: Our children can collect natural materials, such as leaves, flowers, rocks, sticks, etc. and use them to create their own art.

We believe that process art is a great way for our preschoolers to develop their creativity, fine motor skills, and problem-solving skills. It also allows them to express themselves freely and explore their imaginations.

Here are some tips for doing process art in your preschool class:

  • By providing a variety of materials for your class children to use. This will give them more options and allow them to be more creative.
  • By offering them open-ended suggestions, rather than giving specific instructions. This will allow your children to explore their own ideas and make their own choices.
  • By being patient and letting your children take their time. Process art is not about creating a perfect product according to our adult standards, it is about the process and freedom of creating.
  • By encouraging your children to talk about their art. This will also help them to develop their language skills and how to express themselves better.
  • By displaying your children's art in the classroom. This will make them feel proud of their work and encourage them to continue creating.

Process art is truly a valuable tool for preschool education. I love using process art in my class as it helps my children to develop their creativity, fine motor skills, problem-solving skills, and language skills. It also gives them confidence in themselves and the application of their own understanding and experience. It is also a helpful and safe way for them to express their emotional status.

If it seems overwhelming and you are afraid of the mess, start small. Start with drawing. Add different types of markers and crayons. Add envelopes, stickers, stamps and coloured paper, and a punch or two. Have a little bin nearby and demonstrate to your little friends how to use it. And you don't need to change the table completely every week. Just change one or two products at a time and see how much fun your little friends will have with this. And once you have this as a routine, move to the next activity, like collaging. And after every two or three weeks of introducing a different area with process art, you will become more confident in these presentations and your little friends will become more creative and confident in expressing themselves using process art.

I hope that as you read this article as a teacher or parent, you will help your preschooler to have a more positive experience with process art and that you will trust them in their development. Try not to mess the mess or noise and just have fun!


    As parents, it is always important to remember that when it comes to our children, that we NEED to be on the same team, and that we ...