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Monday 5 September 2022

Our classroom is ready for our last school term and how we prepare as preschool teachers for the last term of our school year.



The end of year is insight, and as educators, we need to really step up to prepare our little friends for their next year. 

“Let’s do what we love, and let’s do a lot of it.” – Marc Jacobs

We reflect on the previous terms. We take some time to reflect on the previous terms and what went well, what could be improved, and what our little friends learned. This helps us to plan for the last term and ensure that it is an effective and enjoyable experience for our little friends.

We set goals for our last term. We discuss what we want our little learners to achieve in the last term. And once we know our goals, we start planning our lessons and activities. We review our curriculum, making sure that it is aligned with our goals for the last term. Sometimes we may need to make some adjustments to our lessons or activities to ensure that they are meeting the needs of our little friends.

We plan for their transitions at the end of our schoolyear. The last term of the school year is a time of transition for our little friends. They may be moving to a new school or grade level, or a different teacher. We prepare them for these transitions so that these adjustments can happen as smoothly as possible.

We create a positive learning environment. We find the last term of the school year can be a busy time, but it is important to still create a positive learning environment for our little friends. This will help them to stay motivated and engaged in their learning.

We celebrate each little success. As the last term of the school year progresses, we make sure to celebrate all the successes of our little friends - no matter how big or small. This will help them to feel proud of their accomplishments and motivate them to continue learning.

We remind ourselves to still focus on play-based learning. We find they learn best through play, so we make sure that our lessons and activities are engaging and fun. We need to be patient and understanding. Our little friends are still developing their social and emotional skills, so being patient and understanding when they make mistakes or have difficulty following directions, keeps them motivated and in a positive frame of mind.

We are big on encouraging independence. Our little friends are becoming more independent, so we encourage them to do things for themselves, such as putting away their toys and getting their own snacks, fetching their own spoons, cleaning up when they have spilled and help setting up our class activities.

Communication with our class parents is a priority, especially this time of year, as everyone is becoming very busy with catching up and meeting deadlines for work. We keep our parents updated on their child's progress and let them know about any upcoming activities or events.

Don't sweat the small stuff. We make this our motto in our last school term. It is important to remember this in the last term, more than any other school term, as everyone is more stressed, rushed and stretched to their limits, than before.

Remember to breath and to be kind. We remind each other to be kind to ourselves, to our colleagues, to our own families, to our school parents, and mostly of all, to be kind to our little friends in our class.

This is a short time we have left with our little friends. We make it memorable. We make it count. And above all....we have fun!

Saturday 9 April 2022

lets love our kids....


Sometimes we as parents want our children to be a certain way. We want the quiet ones to be more outspoken and confident or the wild and feisty ones to be quieter and more reserved.

But we forget that our child's DNA and temperament plays a big role in how they behave.

If one, or both, of a child’s parents are feisty, then chances are that it will be in their child's DNA. And the same goes for our quieter and more reserved parents. If the parents are like that, then their child will probably be like that too.

As parents we need to learn to accept our child the way they are and guide them to become the best version of themselves, because the world needs all personalities to make it work.

And the truth of the matter is that there is no wrong or right personality. When it comes to our temperaments (or how we approach life), some people just are born outspoken go-getters and others are calm observers.

Let us accept our children and love them no matter what, so that they can walk out of our homes, knowing that they can handle whatever comes their way.

Tuesday 4 January 2022

A whole new (and better) world.

Children are easily dismissed, as if they can only start adding value when they are grown-up. Yet, when you ask any parent, we can’t imagine our lives without them. They are our future and our legacy. And no matter what your spiritual beliefs are, they are a blessing and a gift.

We should never assume that we are smarter, merely because we are the adult. Our little humans have different perceptions, but often see things much clearer and might surprise you with their courage and wisdom.

Our children ultimately learn how to live, contribute, interact, and understand the world by our example - not from what we say or preach. Through how we live, contribute, interact, and understand, our perception eventually becomes their reality.

If we want our children to be able to listen to others, we need to stop what we are busy with, make eye contact with them and really focus on what our children are saying when they speak to us. It is our responsibility to help our children develop their thinking and reasoning skills, by asking them questions during our conversations.

We need to show them what compassion, kindness, and humility looks like by admitting when we are wrong, apologising, saying thank you and asking for help. Sharing our humanity with our children will make them kinder and better global citizens.

Let’s live our lives the way we want our children to become and just maybe, we will witness the miracle of a kinder, stronger and more compassionate world.


    As parents, it is always important to remember that when it comes to our children, that we NEED to be on the same team, and that we ...