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Tuesday 4 January 2022

A whole new (and better) world.

Children are easily dismissed, as if they can only start adding value when they are grown-up. Yet, when you ask any parent, we can’t imagine our lives without them. They are our future and our legacy. And no matter what your spiritual beliefs are, they are a blessing and a gift.

We should never assume that we are smarter, merely because we are the adult. Our little humans have different perceptions, but often see things much clearer and might surprise you with their courage and wisdom.

Our children ultimately learn how to live, contribute, interact, and understand the world by our example - not from what we say or preach. Through how we live, contribute, interact, and understand, our perception eventually becomes their reality.

If we want our children to be able to listen to others, we need to stop what we are busy with, make eye contact with them and really focus on what our children are saying when they speak to us. It is our responsibility to help our children develop their thinking and reasoning skills, by asking them questions during our conversations.

We need to show them what compassion, kindness, and humility looks like by admitting when we are wrong, apologising, saying thank you and asking for help. Sharing our humanity with our children will make them kinder and better global citizens.

Let’s live our lives the way we want our children to become and just maybe, we will witness the miracle of a kinder, stronger and more compassionate world.


    As parents, it is always important to remember that when it comes to our children, that we NEED to be on the same team, and that we ...